ADB Safegate Sweden AB

Djurhagegatan 19
213 76 MALMÖ


Safegate Group secures the performance of airports world wide today and can prepare your airport for the upcoming traffic demands of tomorrow. Our main objective is to improve the efficiency and safety in operation, control and handling of aircraft on the ground. Which in turn also decrease the impact on the environment.

We reach our goals by using new, sophisticated and technical solutions for guidance and docking systems that will contribute to the overall safety and efficiency of your airport. Which in turn enhances your airport´s capacity of safely handling more aircraft movements.


Verksamheten ingår i: ADB Safegate Sweden AB
Organisationsnummer: 556177-5387
Bolagsform: Aktiebolag
Bolaget registrerat: 1973

Arbetsställe nr(cfar): 15002215

Säkerhetschef /-ansvarig: Steve Rutland
Djurhagegatan 19
213 76 MALMÖ


Status: Aktiv
Registreringsdatum: 1973-03-06
Juridiskt namn: ADB Safegate Sweden AB
Verksamhet: SN46699 – Maskinhandel, övrigt partihandel
Länsäte: Skåne
Kommunsäte: Malmö
Moderbolag: ADB Safegate Sweden AB

Svensk näringsgrensindelning - SNI

SN27400 – Belysningsarmaturindustri
SN43210 – Elinstallationsfirma
SN46699 – Maskinhandel, övrigt partihandel
